Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Rabbit Hole

I have always been into Playing games.  Video Games, Board Games or Card Games, it didn't matter I enjoyed them all. When I was young I always had friends to play games with.  As I got older I did not always have some one else to play with so Solo Games or Video Games became the answer.  When my kids were young I had someone to play games with.   We played Monopoly, The Game of Life, Milles Borne etc.  Now that they are older and out of the house it is more difficult to find some one to play games with.  Though I have to admit my wife is very good at games and beats me quite regularly.

A couple of years ago I was walking around a local Big Box store looking at the games when I came across Axis and Allies.  There were a few different versions and I finally settled on Axis and Allies 1941.  In case you do not know this is a slightly watered down version of the game.  I figured I would start with this version to see if I liked the game.  I thought I would, as I always liked games like Stratego and Risk and the cost here was minor if I didn't. 

Well guess what?  I liked it a lot, I didn't love it at first probably because of the difficulty in getting enough friends together to play a full game.  But as time went on I enjoyed it more and more.  And now I have discovered that there is a whole community of individuals who also enjoy the game.

You tube has a wealth of videos pertaining to Axis and Allies.  Just a warning here if you start watching these you may be inspired to paint and detail your Military Forces or even build your own custom Gaming Table.  There is also a fairly extensive "cottage Industry" that has grown up offering some very cool accessories. 

Be careful this is a bottomless rabbit hole!